Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting For Sale



Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting by Garry Purcell

Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting for sale

The Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting by Garry Purcell is a stunning piece of art that portrays the beauty of nature. The painting features a gorgeous butterfly, with its wings spread wide, resting on a cluster of pink flowers. The artist has captured the intricate details of the butterfly’s wings, showcasing the vibrant colors and patterns that make it such a unique and captivating creature. The background of the painting is soft and blurred, creating a dreamy effect that draws the viewer’s attention to the main subject. The use of oil paints adds depth and texture to the painting, bringing it to life and making it feel almost three-dimensional. Overall, the Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting is a beautiful work of art that celebrates the natural world and all its wonders.


This painting was based on a flower I came across on one of my walks. I added the Australian Painted Lady Butterfly to make this composition a bit more interesting. My painting was created in the style of the Old Masters, using a black and white underpainting first, then applying transparent coats of oil paint over it. There are many coats of paint needed to produceย that beautiful deep green seen in the background. The results are a painting that appears to have a 3D effect, and you can look into it, rather than at it.

Close up of the Australian Admiral Butterfly to my oil painting
Close up of the Australian Admiral Butterfly to my oil painting
Close up of the Australian Admiral Butterfly to my oil painting
Price: $440.00 AUD PayPal [wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting by Garry Purcell" amount="440.00"]
Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting for sale by Australian artist Garry Purcell
Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers Oil Painting by Australian artist Garry Purcell

Listing Details for the Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers oil painting for sale

Price: 440.00 AUD
Artwork Name: Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers
Artist:ย Garry Purcell
Medium Used:ย Artist Grade Paint
Support Type:ย Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas (Staples are on the back of the frame.)
Support Dimensions: 50.8 x 71.1cm (20 x 28i nch)
Short story of an Australian Painted Lady Butterfly on Pink Flowers

The Australian Painted Lady Butterfly fluttered gracefully from flower to flower, its vibrant orange and black wings contrasting beautifully against the soft pink petals. As it landed delicately on each bloom, it sipped nectar with its long, thin proboscis. The warm sun shone down on the butterfly, casting a golden glow on its wings. It was a peaceful moment in the garden, as the butterfly went about its important work of pollinating the flowers. As it flew away, its wings continued to shimmer in the sunlight, leaving behind a sense of beauty and wonder.

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